Quotable Quotes
From TFL and THR.
A selection of varied quotes from the Boards.

Thanks to ''Pax" for the starting point here ... they are not in any special order as far as I know but represent by some often times hilarious words.... most of which she had saved herself. I have added just a few.

It seemed time to trim down my sig' line on the board and, much as I like quotes and have my favorites - it seemed worth taking advice from others and making this list available instead of taking up space with my bloated sig' lines - just for those who want to relish and enjoy such things.

Guns don't kill people - people kill people. (A widely known quote from ... ''anon''?) - Used by me however.

"Don't fight an old man - he's got nothing to lose, and has learned all the dirty tricks you still don't know!" (Preacherman)

Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars. (Griz - 1/23/04)

A brick of .22lr is about the cheapest price you can pay for a days worth of grinning. (Majic, 2/2/04)

This is THR, not Oleg's Happy Home for the Greatly Bewildered. - Art Eatman on THR

'The Wages of Sin' .... never knew I could get paid for sinning! - P95

The sad fact is that some people shouldn't have guns. Or cars. Or children. Or oxygen. – Pat Rogers on THR

Well, that must've been the signal to strike, because then they really started to move in, and some more of their buddies started to come in as well. At that point I lifted my jacket, pulled my gun, left it pointing toward the ground, and said, "if you want trouble, you've just found it." I'll never forget those words, or the reaction: everyone came to a complete stop, no moving, no talking, nothing. After a couple seconds they picked their chins off the ground, put their eyeballs back in their sockets, and they quickly backed up to the street. – bradvanhorn on THR

Yep... It's a conundrum wrapped in an enigma and smeared all over with grape jelly. No matter how you look at it, it's a confusing and sticky situation. - "Amish Bill" on the web (THR)

Bill Clinton made it illegal for me to own a 15 round magazine. George Bush made it impossible for me to get away with it. - Shootin' Buddy

I see the present (heh!) conflict between the Israeli government and the rest of the Middle East as being much like a barfight between two drunks - both sides are to some degree at fault, neither side has any claim to the moral high ground, and I don't care who wins as long as they don't spill my drink. - Chris Rhines on THR

An example of dying badly is the guy we got called out on who had drowned in his toilet. After taking a whopping dose of Ipecac to induce vomiting. After taking a bunch of barbituates and drinking a fifth of bourbon. While wearing women's underwear. THAT is dying badly, and if I must die, at least let it be with some dignity, for God's sake. The last thing I want is a couple of medics and a cop or two standing over my recently deceased body and laughing their asses off. - Elizabeth Peterson, on TFL

This happens all the time in CCW states, right? I mean, I have to dodge bullets at every traffic light on my way to work, which really leaves me drained and unready for the inevitable shootout over a parking space when I get there... -- Tamara on THR

Stand behind the rest of the Bill of Rights. That is the genius of our founding fathers. The bill of rights is not a delicate creature on life support. It is a genie that has already escaped from the bottle. The founding fathers built the monstrosity of federal government knowing what it could do when inevitably hi-jacked. Therefore, they built in a kill-switch: The bill of rights. Once enacted, the armed populace can not be disarmed effectively without abrogating NUMEROUS articles of the bill of rights. This alienates more than the 2nd amendment crowd as the privacy and state's rights clauses are violated. Can anyone say "backlash"? It is already too late to disarm us. What I'm getting at is that your sword is safe behind your shield... -- "Simonov, jr" on the web (TFL)

I have always believed that a true gentleman provides covering fire while a lady is reloading. - Tamara on TFL

You know what the difference between me and you really is? You look out there and see a horde of evil, brain eating zombies. I look out there and see a target rich environment. -- Buzz Knox on TFL

Putting up no-gun-zone signs in the expectation that it will stop a murderer is akin to hanging garlic in your window to ward off vampires. -- "Karansas" on TFL

New firing pin: $12.
New extractor: $15.
Ballistic fingerprinting: worthless. - "youngun" on TFL

Ashcroft is better than Reno. Which doesn't say much, because a monomaniacal dyslexic bipolar chimpanzee with a nasty case of the mange would have been better than Janet Reno. - "LawDog" on THR

I refuse to give up my civil liberties because you don't want to accept your personal responsibilities. - Keith on THR

If you could bottle that kind of stupidity, it'd be a toxic waste. -- Quartus on THR

The biggest problem with a bleeding heart is that it never seems to be fatal. -- Justin on THR

It's a bad idea to bite the hand that holds your leash. - Justin on THR

Air Force enlisted men (and Navy carrier crews) have figured out that the civilized way to fight a war is to sit back, sip coffee, and throw officers at the enemy. - Tamara, on The High Road

This is my life. If you don't like it, stay out of it. - Mike Irwin

This is my life. If you don't like it, go get one of your own. - me

Closed for thread veer, insults, wallowing in the bar-ditch beside the Low Road, and attempted homicide of a Moderator by way of coronary aneurysm. -- LawDog

In my experience (and this is only my experience) you should always be prepared to run like a striped-butted ape the first chance you get during an altercation. -- LawDog

A non sequitur wrapped in stupid. -- Don Gwinn

Squeal draws himself up to his full, impressive height, stares down the muzzle of the 12 gauge, and pronounces: "You have just made the last mistake of your life. Nobody points a gun at me." -- a felon's last words, reported by LawDog

PD officers said when they got there, they had to work their way through a crowd of pissed-off neighbor gentlemen, all of whom were carrying some kind of firearm. When they actually got into the apartment, the girlfriend was in the middle of a great big comforting crowd of apartment complex women - and all of them were armed to the teeth, too. God, but I love Texas. -- LawDog

"I'm not going to vote for the pro-freedom candidate because not enough people will vote for him, so he won't win." Circular logic: see "Logic, circular". -- Tamara on THR

I'm five foot two. Hunnert and twenty pounds. Carried a Colt 1991A1 without anyone but my hubbie knowing it was there. The Mother of invention may be necessity, but the Grandmama of concealed carry is a good imagination and sufficiently baggy clothing. – Elizabeth Petersen on TFL

A very large percentage of people who carry a concealed handgun do not carry it as a weapon. They carry it as a good luck charm. They think of it as a magic talisman that wards off evil, or as a rabbit's foot. In that context, a .25 or a .32 works just as well as a major caliber sidearm. Personally, I carry a 1911 and 2 spare mags everywhere, all the time. It does not interfere with my life at all. -- Tom Givens

Any of us in a position of statutory authority - - Peace officer, deputy sheriff, city cop, state police, or some kind of federal agent - - must always remember: The Bill of Rights was codified to protect the public against People Like US! I enjoy being a quiet, peaceful member of the community. Personally, I’d just as soon remember the Bill of Rights on my own, and not need to be reminded of it in federal court - - or on the front page of the newspaper. – Johnny Guest

regarding the two main candidates, i'm undecided - it's a race to the bottom, and it's been four years since we saw a pair this pathetic. "which do i prefer - the captain, or tenille?" -- pauli on THR

If you're only "free" to do safe, innocuous, innoffensive, lowest common denominator things, you're not free. You're decieved. – geekwitha.45 on THR

Two-bit, four-flushing, scum-sucking, twinkle-toed, dirty, rotten, foul-mouthed, dirt-stupid, mono-synaptic, inbred dacoits with delusions of adequacy. – LawDog on THR

I'd slap some manners into the lot of them, but I don't want to splatter manure over the next six counties! -- Lawdog on THR

The sad fact is that some people shouldn't have guns. Or cars. Or children. Or oxygen. – Pat Rogers on THR

If you could bottle that kind of stupidity, it'd be a toxic waste. -- Quartus on THR

The biggest problem with a bleeding heart is that it never seems to be fatal. -- Justin on THR

It's a bad idea to bite the hand that holds your leash. – Justin on THR

I refuse to give up my civil liberties because you don't want to accept your personal responsibilities. – Keith on THR

Ashcroft is better than Reno. Which doesn't say much, because a monomaniacal dyslexic bipolar chimpanzee with a nasty case of the mange would have been better than Janet Reno. – "LawDog" on THR

So, uh, you vote for candidates you don't agree with because all the popular kids are doing it and you don't want to be on the losing team? Suddenly I'm starting to realize how we wound up in the mess we're in... -- Tamara on THR

When you were born you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die you are smiling and everyone around you is crying. (Used by Rickstir on THR)

If anyone has others they would like to see added to the list, do let me know by some means. I keep my eyes peeled but often miss seeing good ones .... and like to save them.

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