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R9 Lubrication Recommendations
The Rohrbaugh
R9 is very much a ''thorobred'' pistol. Tolerances
are tight and should stay that way - the means
of achieving this is by correct application
of lubricant, to ensure both reliability of
performance as well as longevity.
Please note -
lube' recommendations have changed - see the
page with latest
disassembly/lube manual scans. I will
leave the information below for reference
purposes as it still shows the areas that
must receive lube' attention. I still feel
Superlube is a good product and might continue
to use it or similar on stressed areas such
as the barrel lug slot - but for slide to
frame lube' - definitely good quality oil. |
Here is the description
of the process from Eric:
"...the best way to
ensure the reliable function, as best we can with
this firearm due to the extremely close tolerances
used in it's manufacture, it is best to take the slide
off after every 50 to 80 rounds and give it a wipe
down and some fresh lube. The R9 is a specialty built
firearm and it needs that extra bit of care, due such
a machine, to be ready when you need it. This extra
care will pay off with dividends!
We use 'Super Lube' PTFE on the rails, the lockup
area of the barrel, a little bit on the cone of the
barrel (front bushing area if you will) and the barrel
lug area itself. Other areas use Mobil One Synthetic
motor oil 0-30 weight. This is good for the trigger
pivot area, firing pin, magazine latch area and hammer
area. Do this and she should perform very well for
Most of the guns returned to us for warranty repair
have all been absent of lubrication and dirty beyond
belief! We simply cannot believe it."...
Eric Rohrbaugh / 4 October '04
Eric has also sent some pics showing exactly where
the SuperLube should go ... and it is planned that
in the near future, this information will go out with
new guns. |
The barrel - lube
can be easily ''painted on''

Lube applied
to the frame rails - this will of course transfer
in part to the slide rails after reassembly.

A further view
of the frame with rails lubed.

on the obtaining of SuperLube ..........
from the manufacturer -
''Super Lube is
presently being offered to both the industrial
and the consumer classification of trade.
If this is for your personal use please
visit Tru Value or Ace hardware. They
should stock most of the Super Lube sizes.
You can also try Kmart. If you are unsuccessful
you can once again visit our website
And click on the top left on orders
than click consumer than order
on line. Just three clicks and you
will be offered a menu of the various
Super Lube items that you can purchase
directly. Simply select the item you are
seeking and add it to the cart. If you
are an industrial end user please reply
to me again and we will offer you the
name of some national branch accounts
presently selling Super lube.''
Sal Randisi
Super Lube/Synco Chemical
800 420 5823 Toll Free
919 542 1755 Office
516 982 5587 Cell
on the forum also posted .....
''Best price and free shipping for Super
Lube that I've found:'' AAA
Industrial Supply
Doctordun also received a reply
to his query regarding a stated 24 month
shelf life .......
"Thanks for
your interest in Super Lube® Grease.
I'm pleased to hear that it is recommended
by Rohrbaugh for use on their guns.
The reason we post a 24 month shelf life
on our products, is to prevent a distributor
from returning overstocked merchandise
for credit. The grease does not go bad.
It does not turn rancid, dry out, or degrade
in any way. I have used grease from tubes
that were filled over ten years ago without
problems. The main concern is to prevent
contamination from storage in open containers.
Super Lube® is available in Ace, Tru
Value, Motion Industries, Sid Tool (MSC),
and if you still have trouble finding
it, try Radio Shack. They carry it under
the Archer brand as "Lube Gel"
in a 3 oz tube.
Thanks again,
Bill Reilly
Operations Manager
Synco Chemical Corporation"
A takedown picture scanned
from the manual can be found here. |
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