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A copy of my post on
this matter from the forum -
''I could maybe have mentioned this before but forgot.
Despite all the ammo tests thru my first R9 - I did
notice at quite a late stage that one mag presented
the top round at a seemingly other than ideal angle
- even if ''fiddled'' with. These mags worked OK most
of time but, looking back - just perhaps it was the
slightly ''rogue'' mag that might have given the odd
I measured the min dia across feed lips and it came
out at 0.310". I sent Eric and Karl this pic and a similar
one, to ask about it. I was sent two new mags which
are 0.320" across min dia of feed lips... these are
comparable with the mag feed lip dimensions in my #2
R9's mag's.
This is the latest mag I believe. Just mentioning because
it strikes me the wider feed lip dimension better ensures
the correct angle of round presentation to the feed
ramp. Might always be worth a check to see what mags
you in fact have.'' |
This pic is of the
old mags .. one showing clearly its reluctance to
allow top round to tip/present properly. GD's are
shown here - the usual carry ammo. The 0.320" mags
seem just fine.

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