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A member
on CombatCarry
, PT-111 posted the article below in a thread
about those starting to carry for the first
time. Well, it could easily be that the R9
is someone's first carry gun and so I unashamedly
add this piece to the FAQ site.
It will I hope be invaluable information for
those new to carry and even perhaps a good
reminder to those already carrying - some
very useful points are made.
It is reproduced with PT-111's permission
and my thanks to him. |
Time Carry -
This post will be some suggestions from
me (I have been carrying now for approx.
14 or 15 years) and hopefully some of
the other senior packers out there will
post to the thread also with their own
suggestions and advice.
As always, carrying a concealed handgun
is a huge responsibility and one that
should not be taken lightly. Learn and
know your states laws that govern ccw
so you won't make a minor mistake that
could become a major problem.
Stay alert. I have found that while walking
across a parking lot at the mall or a
department store (at night or during the
day) I can keep a better level of awareness
of my surroundings by actually counting
the people that are also walking to or
from the store / mall. I make it a point
to make eye contact with people in my
daily travels. This has the effect of
letting the ones who may be up to no good
know that I have seen them. I know they
are there, I know what they look like.
I have seen people who looked to me like
they were sizing me up for one reason
or another actually look away and shift
their direction of travel after I made
eye contact with them.
Be aware of what you do with your hands.
I have seen guys I know are carrying in
Wal-Mart and Target. I know they are carrying
because I watched them subconsciously
touch their gun, or I caught a glimpse
of the gun when they raised their outer
cover garment while reaching for their
wallet. I watched one fellow get out of
his car then pull his pants up by placing
his hand on the bottom of his OWB holster
and what I assume was his spare mag(s)
on the opposite side of his belt, through
his cover garment, and pull his whole
belt/holster/mags rig up in the same manner
I have seen LEO's do with their duty rig.
To me, that was a dead give away. Maybe
he was an off duty LEO, maybe not. Either
way, I knew he had a gun on and if any
half way street smart bad guy saw it,
they would too. Don't give yourself away,
surprise is your biggest asset.
Avoid using the urinal at a public restroom.
Standing there at the urinal puts you
in a perfect position for a disarming
attempt. If the bad guy saw you do something
that gave away the fact that you were
carrying, he might just follow you to
the restroom and wait 20 or 30 seconds
and then come in after you. If you are
at the urinal, you are trapped, most times
on 3 sides. Standing there, you are the
perfect mark to be disarmed.
Carry a cell phone with you. These things
can be a pain because everyone can get
in contact with you but, it also means
you can contact the police, EMT, who ever
needs contacting when things go south.
Also, think about keeping it on vibrate
only. If for some reason you are hiding
from a bad guy or a group of them, this
is when you phone will ring the loudest.
Murphy is still alive and well.
Carry a flashlight. I carry a small high
output white L.E.D. light with me at all
times. It is made by Coast Cuttlery and
it's the Tachtorch model. So what if it
is day time hours? Ever been in a big
store or mall and the power went out?
A tunnel with no power? An underground
parking garage? Who of us knows every
day exactly where we are going to be called
on to go in our daily lives? It might
save your life.
Don't feel bad if you realize in the next
few months that the gun you bought for
your first ccw is way to large or heavy
for comfortable daily carry. Most of us
went through the same thing. My first
ccw was a full size Taurus PT-92. I still
have it. I look at it now and I wonder
how the heck I ever carried that big,
heavy thing every day. It's huge. What
was I thinking? Who knows but I now carry
a MUCH smaller gun.
Don't get into arguments over stupid things
with morons. No road rage. No arguments
over a parking space or other trivial
matter. It is your duty to not escalate
any situation. Remember, in any confrontation
between you any anyone else, there is
at least one gun present, yours. Don't
get into a fist fight while armed. This
increases the chance your gun will be
knocked out of its holster and into the
hands of your possible murderer. If you
get knocked out you are now susceptible
to having your gun taken away from you
and used on you or someone else. Walk
away from idiots who want to fight.
As a side note to the no fighting, don't
hang out with people who like to fight
or cause trouble. They will drag you into
their fights and you may be held legally
responsible and loose your ccw rights
or worse. Not only that but if they know
you carry, it might actually embolden
the fools to mouth off to larger fools
because they will figure you have their
back since you have a gun. Don't hang
out with people you wouldn't feel comfortable
having watch your children.
Avoid large crowds with drunks or rowdy
people. This kind of goes along with the
above advice. Mobs and crowds often make
collectively bad decisions and you can
be dragged along into the stupidity. Don't
let that happen to you.
Lastly (this is long enough I think...sorry)
Don't save your money to buy your dream
gun and then carry it in a $14.99 nylon
holster. Would you spend $40,000 on a
car and then put $20.00 Wal-Mart tires
on it? Buy a good quality holster such
as a Don Hume, Galco, FIST, CompTac, or
others. If you must buy an inexpensive
holster, I would suggest Fobus . They
seem to be pretty good and they average
$25.00 per holster. They are better than
a cheap nylon holster anyway. Comptac
makes some very good holsters.
Hopefully some other senior packers here
will post their own wisdom and we can
make this a nice list of good to know
information and advice.
Oh yeah, welcome to the CCW world all
you new packers. You have taken your first
steps in claiming your own lives.
US Navy Sep. 10, 1986 - Dec 15,
1993 Gulf War Vet.
Former Reserve Sheriffs Deputy
Broadcast Engineer |
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