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Random Banner

Sometimes advertizing is needed on certain sites and so we show a simple banner display which auto-refreshes with each page open, to show another random banner. It is also possible to enable a banner rotation within an open page.

For those who may be interested, the header picture was rendered with an application called "Terragen". This is the high quality render and, even on a picture this modest in size, around 190,000 math iterations were carried out - basically one per pixel! The permutations for many landscape varieties and other elements are all but infinite.

We add as often, the 'Emergnet' graphic below, as we feel this is an invaluable service - a way to stay on top of severe meteorological conditions as well as general emergencies, via email.

Emergency Email and Wireless Network

Site Thumbnails

The scroller below shows a few screen grabs from our sites as examples. Clicking on any one will take you to the actual site although one is now a dead link. Hovering your mouse over the images will stop the scrolling.

Side style columns are useful both for the permanent, as well as temporary material. Very often the content does not need to flow all the way to the bottom of a page but it provides a location for items which perhaps need to be seen on every page, and so are independent of center main site content, which changes page by page.

Side columns are also useful for extra links - possibly even a set of 'useful links' as many sites display.

The ACB Systems/Alum Bank Web Rationale

Let us delve a bit into the rationale behind design considerations with reference to existing work samples - see scroller on right side. Variety is the spice of life it's said and sites come and go - some we have built have ''expired'' due to a client's loss of interest or even health issues, some too have become obsolete and required a rebuild. This section is simply here to further expand on our variety of formatting as well as explaining what we are about.

First - what is the priority of a web site? Most essential is presentation of information. Closely following that is the abilty to navigate with ease to various levels - finding things easily. Is there a need for a lot of tricks and gizmos? We think not, which is why we do not employ much in the way of Flash additions and fancy code. True, these days most people have faster connections but - the 'a priore' requirement is still the same ... finding information with ease, rather than "glitzy" looks perhaps.

Here, we assess a few examples, and if you look in the (OK yes, the gizmo!) scroller section, you will see thumbnails of sample sites we have worked on - click on one of those or use the menu bar links above to explore further. Some sites have been built albeit some time ago with almost 'straight' html, but in more recent times the use of style sheets has made for even more interesting layouts. The desired end result is the same - display of information which is easy on the eye.

Permutations are near endless, but the prime consideration is establishing a site identity - and maintaining that thoughout the site - a commonality of 'feel' so the visitor knows they are in the same place and have a desire to probe deeper. We work mostly on smaller sites of relatively low maintenance, leaving large scale operations to bigger businesses.

There are more web designers these days than you can shake a stick at - but at ACB Systems/Alum Bank Web, we pride ourselves in trying to find the ideal theme for a given client, so that visitors can easily and quickly find their data and so feel satisfied that they have seen what they need.

A simple and very straightforward layout is seen in an old site of ours ''Image Matters" ........ built to serve the needs of those wishing for more information on digital image facets. It could be ''prettier'' but perhaps does not need more frills. On the other hand, some sites need an identity to suit their history and character, thus an example such as you can see at The John Hermann Museum - which is an art museum in Pittsburgh PA, positively oozing history and charisma.

A contrast might be that of Thistlebees ....... a site again relatively simple in construction but where the visitor can explore though many levels to see the range of products that have been made. Included also is a slide-show approach, as well as a newer Gallery Display of more recent items.

We also aim, despite the preponderance of faster connections, to keep pages ''light'' to help avoid unnecessary long download times - some people still have to 'endure' dialup!. Much of this is also influenced by image content - and we pride ourselves in maintaining adequate image quality along with optimized bandwidth use. If a site requires a display of advertizing then we can introduce a random banner display - one which changes with each page load (or even 'cycles') - and that is why we have included such a dummy example in this page.

Please drop us an email to design @ to enquire about your needs, and find out how they might be implemented. Alternatively - use our new Email Form Page. Often a short discussion is all that is needed to establish the overall "feel" for a proposed site and decide what is involved, both in quantity and complexity. Make a subject line precise to help avoid our dreaded spam filter from 'killing' your email.

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